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A few words about me...

Born 1955, harpsichord maker, restorer and scholar of keyboard instruments, I was pupil of Grant O'Brien and also studied temperaments with Mark Lindley. After an apprenticeship, in the 1980s I established my own workshop.

My experience as a restorer and organologist have given me a background that has enabled me to produce high quality instruments built according to historical principles. My works have received the approval of an international clientele.

Instruments that I have made or restored have been played for concerts and recordings by Nicolas Achten, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Bob van Asperen, Maria Luisa Baldassarri, Alda Bellasich, Renato Beretta, Korneel Bernolet, Fabio Bonizzoni, Dirk Börner, Gianluca Capuano, Markellos Chrissicopoulos, Fabio Ciofini, Sergio Ciomei, Paolo Corsi, Francesco Corti, Ottavio Dantone, Fernando De Luca, Ewald Demeyere, Stefano Maria Demicheli, Huguette Dreyfuss, Paola Erdas, Maria Cecilia Farina, Anna Fontana, Maurizio Fornero, Antonio Frigé, Marco Gaggini, Lorenzo Ghielmi, Maude Gratton, Luca Guglielmi, Kenneth Gilbert, Frédérick Haas, Pierre Hantaï, Christopher Hogwood, Stefano Innocenti, Alessandra Iovino, Robert Kohnen, Ton Koopman, Ruggero Laganà, Gustav Leonhardt, Roberto Loreggian, Tabitha Maggiotto, Walter Mammarella Giordano, Mariangiola Martello, Mario Martinoli, Francesco Maschio, Tiny Mathot, Marc Meisel, Giulio Mercati, Carlo Levi Minzi, Lia Levi Minzi, Guido Morini, Davitt Moroney, Giulia Nuti, Rebecca Pechefsky, Stefano Peruzzotti, Davide Pozzi, Silvia Rambaldi, Christophe Rousset, Alessandra Sagelli, Cipriana Smarandescu, Giorgio Tabacco, Giovanni Togni, Gabriele Toia, Yasuko Uyama-Bouvard, Claudia Vignani, Kenneth Weiss and many others.

I have collaborated with many international organizations and musical institutions. Since 1992 I have been entrusted with the care of the keyboard instruments at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. I wrote the keyboard instruments catalogue of this museum.


Organological works and publications




Address: Via Kennedy 9 - 20029 Turbigo MI - Italy

Telephone: +390331899251

Milan chamber of commerce
Registration Nr. 1042878

About my instruments....

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Augusto Bonza
Antichi Strumenti a Tastiera
Via Kennedy 9 - 20029 Turbigo (MI) - Italy
Tel/Fax +39 0331899251

Last changed: June 2013

Maker and restorer of harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments. High quality instruments built according to historical principles.
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