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The workshop

In 1980 I began making keyboard instruments and doing restorations for museums and private collections. My experience of restorer and organologist stimulates the harpsichord making, and my instruments are built with the standards of the ancient builders. In my workshop near Milan I produce replicas of historical instruments using the construction methods of the period. My harpsichords are produced individually with maximum attention to every detail of craftsmanship.

This type of hand-craftsmanship forces me to work strictly by commission, and production is restricted to a few instruments per year. My instruments are executed with the most strict attention to authentic detail.

I use the correct woods for every type of instrument; the finish is hand-made with the traditional techniques. All components are made *by hand* in my workshop, in this way the finished instrument has that stylistic unity that is so indispensable to an art object. My experience allows me to make high quality instruments that are internationally acclaimed; my customers are almost exclusively professional musicians.
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Augusto Bonza
Antichi Strumenti a Tastiera
Via Kennedy 9 - 20029 Turbigo (MI) - Italy
Tel/Fax +39 0331899251

Last changed: June 2013

Maker and restorer of harpsichords and other early keyboard instruments. High quality instruments built according to historical principles.
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